Mal Weeraratne P h i l o s o p h y
“We are all born free and pure, with positivity and love, which is the true essence of our being.”
Have you ever decided to fundamentally change your lifestyle in some way and then managed to really stick to that decision effectively and to benefit your life as a result? Sometimes it is easier said than done when it comes to making fundamental changes for the better. Making that decision is a way of trying to improve ourselves by adapting our lives in a way which we feel will make our life, health or happiness better. It’s a way of placing goals and hopes and dreams in place and then sticking to the game plan to make that dreams come true. Every new day gives us the chance to create a new start if that is what we need or change something that we know is no longer serving us. It’s not always that easy to stick to and if they were, they wouldn’t be hopes and dreams in the first place! Something that we covet is usually worth striving for but the good things in life will never come to us without first making the decision and then chasing that goal.
If you have tried many times to achieve a your life-changing decision but find yourself falling into old patterns of behavior which block you from your goals, Mal Weeraratne’s simple body emotional release technique can help you to get rid of the blocks that prevent change in your life. Emotional Detox is the method that Mal Weeraratne created using ancient energy practices of the east and combining Tantric and Taoists techniques into a modern and effective way of ridding the negative or toxic emotions and thoughts which have been stored in the body and form the base of a pattern of behaviours which no longer are relevant or serve our body, mind or spirit any longer. Emotional Detox through body release is a technique that Mal Weeraratne has been using on men and women with great success for many years. Tantric energy the main focus of the practice and the aim is to use that energy to release any blocks that we have stored up in our bodies in order to rid ourselves of the energies which cause disease, premature aging, depression and mental illnesses as well as behavioural and relationship patters which do not allow us to reach our full potential with ourselves, our loved ones and our families and friends.
Mal Weeraratne’s stages of therapy are designed to take you from a state of unknowing to one of knowing for both body and mind. It is said that your spirit holds the reigns for the well-being of the body and mind and tried to steer us into better decision-making patterns which will support our future selves in reaching the best possible state of joy that it is possible to reach.
Let your spirit guide you into directions which will challenge you to drop the old, freeing you from your past transgressions and regrets and wash them away, leaving a clean slate. If this is something that you believe your spirit is looking to steer your body and mind towards, then Mal Weeraratne is available in London, to assist you with that process. Mal Weeraratne’s emotional detox will support your spirits journey towards a better version of you!